Lovely Alexandria

Yes, it truly has been 3 months since I last had a chance to update. So much has been going on that I really haven't been able to sit down. For starters, after spending four days in a hotel while our flat was being painted, we were finally able to unpack and settle into our apartment. It had been such a stressful process, but it's great to finally have gotten through it.

On my days off, I spent time going through each box and making sure everything went to the right place. I even managed to put together my boyfriend's desk, which is from IKEA by the way, and I didn't even bother looking up the instructions. It worked out after 3 attempts! It took about a week for us to finally unpack everything and for each room to be clear of boxes!

The office

The semi-furnished living-room!

The bedroom

Now that the flat was starting to look "normal" - we were finally able to relax a bit, but not quite. In the past three months, I have been through several jobs that just did not go as I expected it to. For starters, the café I worked at became super stressful that I took on another job at a bakery. I worked long hours there which was great money, but I ended up injuring my hand and had to wear a brace for 2 months due to carpal tunnel syndrome. Since I love creating with my hand's, the job was a big no for me.

The next job after that I was hired as a receptionist which was decent for me, but the manager was highly critical of my work and constantly micromanaged me. I've never experienced being micromanaged before and I for one did not like it. One day, after the manager told me she wouldn't cover for me to go to an appointment for half an hour, I literally walked out; something I had also never done before either.

I felt pretty defeated at this point;  I was picky with jobs, but not that picky. Luckily though, I ended up being trained to be a Dental Assistant shortly afterwards. It's a lot of work and so much terminology to learn, but it keeps me on my feet and I love the technical aspect of it. I've always worked with animals in the past but in the town I live in, not many of clinics were hiring, so trying something new only made sense.

At work!

With a stable side job, I haven't reached that point yet where everything feels cozy. My recording schedule for YouTube has gotten better as things settle down and I can focus a bit better. The weather is also improving which helps me adjust with all the changes. It's overwhelming at times, but it's everything I've wanted so I won't complain. 

Until next time! xoxo - Sarah


Light Pink Pointer