I haven’t used my color pencils for some time now. The reason for this is that I’ve tucked them under everything on the trolley that sits next to my desk so I often forget about them. I know, it’s bad, but I will eventually organize it and make it easier for me to find things. 


    Today though, I wanted to draw something colorful, nature like, and just cute. You know? The first thing I thought about were more budgies. I had first drawn them about two years ago and I fell in love with them; they're not only cute, but they're also colorful and playful little birds.  I would love to get a few and have their cage on the window ledge in front of my desk, but Dimitar says not until we get settled in more...boo.

    As I set up my desk and took my tripod out to record, I realized how short all of my coloring pencils were - I didn't realize how much I had used them until now. Most people would have replaced their pencils by now, but I always like to use mine as much as I can before getting anything new.

Sketching first bird

    To get started, I first sketch out one bird at a time. I start out light, since I will most likely erase majority of the sketch so I can build on top of it with my color pencils. I use a reference photo from the web to get the body shape right and markings. 

    The sketching part takes only a few minutes - I keep it simple and only sketch out the main features that stick out the most. This helps speed up the process greatly. The point of sketches like these is to be relaxed, let go of what the eye sees, and to use abstract texture to bring the bird to life. It's a process I'm just getting used to, but it really helps me loosen up. 

    I also have my colors of choice on hand. I have pastel colors, dark reds and browns, and neon colors even. I create a palette of colors very spontaneously, but I do have my selection that I think will compliment one another. 

First base of colors - very light

       I start with light colors first and will continue adding onto the colors until the colors are vibrant and bold. It normally takes me about 3-4 layers of color to get the results I want. 


    Once the first bird is done, I repeat the process with different birds. I originally was going to cover the entire page with birds, but I decided to draw only three and to fill in the spaces with flowers. I was super happy with how these birds came out that I want to make them digital and add them to my store today as prints!

    Today, Dimitar and I both have off so we will catch up on some laundry and cleaning, go to the park and attempt to feed the birds - again - and  then later on I will edit Patreons video of me creating these birdies!


Until next time! xoxo - Sarah 


Light Pink Pointer