Finally seeing the Cherry Blossoms

Two years ago, Dimitar and I tried to see the Cherry Blossoms in D.C. We took the train there and walked around D.C trying to find the best location to see them, but as the rain started, we eventually left. Since then, we hadn't tried to visit until we finally moved, and Spring came along. 

It was the perfect day too! The sun was out, it was warm outside, and there was a perfect breeze. The Cherry Blossom trees weren't exactly at their peak, but they were still beautiful. 

We made it to the Tidal Basin which was packed with people who came all around the world to see the beautiful trees. There was live music playing and I even managed to spot a Corgi as we were entering; always a good omen!

View of the Washington Monument

As we walked around the basin, we stopped to sit on a bench where we ate some pizza that I had handmade the night before; so delicious! We also drank Arizona Green Tea which has become our favorite recently. As the wind picked up, the air was filled with petals from the trees around us, and it looked as if it was snowing! It was mesmerizing. 

I often associate Cherry Blossom Trees with my dearest Mother, who passed away last year. Cherry blossoms symbolize a timely beauty that only lasts for so long, but always leaves the same ever lasting impression; a perfect description of my mother. Since the day itself had been so beautiful in every way, it left me feeling as if she was there with me.

It was quite emotional for me, really. I do well managing my emotions despite how much I miss my mom, but seeing such beauty always leaves me emotional. Anyone who has dealt with loss before knows the waves of pain that comes with it. I live my days as best as I can for my lovely mother, but there are always the ones that leave me feeling empty and lost. Today though as the cherry blossoms trees stood before me, I felt closer to her than ever before.

Enjoying the beautiful nature

A pagoda 

A full bloomed tree

No matter how much time goes by, while it may never be the same, the love I have for my mother will stay strong and dear to my heart. 

Until next time. xoxo - Sarah


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