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    I can finally sit down and make a blog post! Yay! This past week, I’ve been working on projects that I can finally talk a bit more about. I mentioned in my previous post, that a new collaboration was on it’s way, and I would have the chance to work with a company that I loved – truly so surreal!

    These past few weeks, I have been working with Sakura of America, a Japanese Art Supplies company that is very well known globally. I know - just thinking about it makes me giddy! I have used their products before and have raved about them so much in my videos, but I finally summed up the courage to reach out to them and ask for a collaboration. To my surprise, they loved the idea!

    A few days after our collaboration agreement, I was sent their products - I had no idea that they would send me so much either! So exciting! Also, thank you Wayne, the Manager & Artist Relations, for working with a small artist like me! You're the best! 

Sakura of America Collaboration

    With new goodies to work with, it was time to put together a collaboration video and I was off to record. I've been also working on reaching out to more brands because I realize how important they are to my own growth and success as an Artist & YouTuber - plus - I use so many products from different companies that I truly enjoy, that it never occurred to me to reach out for a collaboration; so it was time to change that!

    When I was able to, I spent time updating my Media Kit, reaching out to companies I loved and wanted to work with, and then going back to making more videos. I managed to come across a USA based art supply company called Artistro, who loved the idea of a collaboration as well, and agreed to work with me. So when I was finished with one collaboration video and had submitted it, I was off to do another one. 

    This time though, I would create a product review, and there would be more wiggle room to be creative. I received in the mail a package and sure enough, I was off to record! I was super excited to discover that the Marketing team Manager, Julia, had sent me a watercolor pallet to try and paint pens! 

Artistro Collaboration

    I had so much fun working with this company's products, as I had little experience with watercolors and it was a great way for me to challenge myself outside of my comfort zone; something I do a lot these days. I spent time thinking of something really unique and creative to paint and let myself go with the flow. The outcome was super colorful!

Recording a Product Review Video

    With my second collaboration done, I also had been cat sitting at the same time, and for the first time at that. The kitty stayed with me for five days, and it was so refreshing to have a cat around! I've always wanted a cat of my own - but then again, I want so many animals at this point, that I might as well have a farm!

Cat Sitting!

    The remainder of the week was a blur as I focused on vlogging, recording, and editing. Oh, I also cut my hair! It's not perfect, and I'm going to go to the salon to get it properly cut, but for now, I'm so happy to get ride of the dead hair - it really had to go. I do miss my long hair, but I know my hair will have a better chance at growing back faster if I get rid of the damaged part.

My new hair cut!

    To bring the week together, Dimitar and I went to see the Fireworks by the water to celebrate the 4th of July. I literally almost forgot about it too because of everything on my schedule, and I didn't remember either until the first set of fireworks went off - so Dimitar and I rushed to get to the waterfront where I was practically running, and we made it in time to watch the performance!

    I've been doing so much lately, that I really have no idea how I do it - but - I think it's a sign that I'm on the right track because every day is a new day, and an exciting one too! I'm so grateful for the opportunities that I have had so far, and I hope to continue being an inspiration to those who need it! I've also made a vlog on my YouTube channel if you'd like to join in on my experiences - hope you enjoy!

Until next time! xoxo - Sarah


Light Pink Pointer