I haven't been very active lately. I decided to spend some time working on a business idea that I had no idea would take up most of my time. One of my dreams is to one day move to England because I love the environment and unique culture, but with the complex immigration laws now, there aren't many options for me to do this unless I; start a business there, go to school, or invest in an existing business which is the most expensive to do of the three. Since I already have an idea on what my business would be, I decided to spend some time researching and developing a business plan to present to potential investors.

    I didn't realize how hard this would actually be though! I had never considered starting a business of my own despite my independent ways; I have so many ideas that I know would make a difference into today's world but I never took them seriously until now. I discovered in my research that drafting up a business plan was really difficult because it involved precise research and money even, to prove that you have thoroughly thought your idea through. For weeks, I spent time on the couch researching for my business idea, for ten plus hours a day.  I still have pages to finish and research to do, but I'm taking a break to let myself relax a bit. When I get involved in a project I'm passionate about, I pretty much go all in so I have to pull myself away most of the time to notice life around me!

    Just when I was least expecting it too, my guinea pig Tipsy injured his eye. Between him and his brother, Tipsy is the clumsy one who often trips over his own feet or even the smallest bump inside of the cage. It doesn't help either that he's a bit chunky compared to his athletic brother. I noticed one day after cleaning their cage that Tipsy's left eye was watery. I didn't think anything of it at first since they normally have eye discharge to clean themselves, but when the crust started to form around his eye every day, I became concerned. Every day, no matter how much of the crust I cleaned up, the crust would return in a few hours. 

Gypsy (front) & Tipsy (back)

    I suspected that a piece of hay must have poked his eye since it had happened before that I found a small piece of hay in his eye; I was able to wipe it away but it did leave his eye watery afterwards. This time though, his eyes was redder which was alarming to me. Since I have experience with animals and working in animals hospitals too, I decided to take care of Tipsy on my own this time rather than taking him to the Vet. The last time I took Tipsy to the Vet, he wasn't eating, pooping, eating, and became very thin. I spent so much money on lab tests and exams for the Vet to tell me that there wasn't anything alarming that they found.

    So for those two weeks, I took care of him on my own, tube feeding him 3x a day and increasing his dose of Vitamin C. It was very a scary moment for me as I really thought I'd lose him. But after fourteen days of caring for him, he jumped back and became his normal self. So now, when his eye started to develop crust and became red, I made sure to clean his eye whenever there was crust present and increased his dose on Vitamin C. I also made sure to clean their cage more often so that nothing would irritate his eye further. Since he was eating just fine and drinking water as usual with no weight lose, I was confident he'd recover well. 

    Today, after two weeks of his eye issue, his eye has now been clear of discharge and crust for the past four days! I'll of course keep monitoring him just to be on the safe side, but I sure am proud of my tiny trooper! 

Guinea pigs new cage design

    With my piggie making a great recovery, I decided that it was time to expand their cage. Their cage used to have two levels and they sure loved it compared to their tiny cage back in the pet store where I adopted them from. It was so hard on my back though during cleaning that I eventually got rid of the 2nd level. I have noticed that they aren't as active as they used to be, which is why they have gotten bigger truthfully, so I figured it was time to draw up a design for their new cage. 

    I knew I wanted their second level to have some roaming space, but I struggled finding a way to clean the 1st floor if the 2nd floor was too big. For now, I'll stick with what their cage used to look like and simply offer them another space where they can eat and get their exercise. Since both of my piggies are getting older, I want to make everything extra comfortable for their tiny legs.

    The bottom level will be 2x4 and the top will be 2x1. Dimitar said that when he comes home today that we'd stop by the home supply store to pick up the items we need to build the top level, so I'll just grab extra fleece in case I decide to expand even more in the near future. 

C&C cage inspiration

    I am also dedicating my time to writing a book! It's a nonfiction novel that takes bits from my own life and with everything that has happened to me in the past few years, I felt that writing a book was only right. I wont say much about what the book is about yet but in a nut shell, it's a book about a young girl who moves to England to start a new life. Since I have always enjoyed writing books since I was little-even if I didn't finish them, I still love the idea of immersing myself into a story based off of my own imagination. 

So, this is what I have been up to lately! Until next time! xoxo - Sarah


Light Pink Pointer