For the longest time, I have been wanting to go to the beach. I love everything about the beach, like dipping my toes into the sand, being immersed in water and just lying out in the sun; it's so relaxing! With everything going on with settling into the apartment and focusing on projects of my own, Dimitar and I haven't had much time to really go out much, except for of course around town. If I had my way honestly, I would totally live near the beach where I could walk to the beach anytime I wanted to and be calmed by the view of water.

    Since both of us needed a small getaway, I decided to look into beaches that were near us; I only knew of two popular beaches that were near me such as Virginia Beach and Ocean City beach, but both were over 2 hours away and it didn't fit into our day trip plans. After some quick browsing of maps online, I discovered there was a decent beach that was only an hour away called Sandy Point Beach. So that following week Dimitar and I Packed for our day trip and waited for Sunday to come around. 

    On Sunday, the day started out cloudy and unusually cold, which made me wonder if our trip would even be worth it; I honestly wanted to tan so I could get rid of my pale winter skin! Dimitar reassured me that the weather would improve and we headed onto road. The drive was pleasant as we left around 8am, so there wasn't too much traffic. Again though, the weather wasn't improving, and the clouds were practically smeared over the entire sky.

Cloudy morning!

    When we arrived, we saw that other people were already enjoying themselves at the many picnic tables, celebrating and having a cook out. It was a surprisingly big area that locals seemed to enjoy a lot. We found our way to the beach where we saw more people lounging about along with playing lively music. We decided to setup our blanket near the shore so that we could easily take a dip into the water. 

    I realized soon enough though after we finished unpacking that I didn't bring anything for entertainment; no books, games, nada.  I was so excited about tanning and being in the water that I left without grabbing much. So, Dimitar and I chatted about life and enjoyed each others company instead.  Sure enough too, within an hour the clouds cleared up and miraculously it was all of a sudden sunny out; and hot! So we both put on sunscreen and laid out to soak up the sun.

    A cloudy cold day turned into a typical summer day and I was so happy that we decided to stay for the weather to improve. It didn't take long for us to get hot too and after spending time in the sun, we finally went into the water. It felt great to finally enjoy time in the water and the best part of it all was that we were so close to the beach too so we had time to enjoy it before the cold weather arrived.

Sandy Point Beach

View from beach

    We spent more time in the sun before we became hungry and had lunch; a cheese pizza I made completely from scratch. I've learned to love making pizza dough simply because they're fun to play with once the dough is made, and it's also exciting to watch the dough rise-you get so much more than if you were to buy or order pizza for a better price. So, whenever we plan anything big that requires us going out of town, baking a pizza is my to-go-to.

    Around 1 pm, we decided it was time to hit the road so we dried off and packed everything up. It made me sad leaving the beach scene, but it was comforting knowing that we were so close to it.  We made it home just in time to enjoy the rest of the evening and check out our new tans too; even with sunblock on, I tanned pretty fast! We both were tired from the sun but it was great to take a trip and get away from the usual routine of everything. 

    I spent that evening binge watching True Beauty; a Korean drama about a girl who experiences bullying over her looks and then becomes reliant on makeup. The beginning was really hard to watch because the show really shows the traumatizing effects bully has, but I enjoyed the show for it's strong message and characters. The more Korea drama shows I watch, the more I learn about their culture and begin to appreciate it even more; I rarely watch American TV shows these days, so it's nice to watch something new, from a whole new culture altogether. 

Watching True Beauty

    Well, that's all for this post. If you'd like, you can watch the vlog I made for my YouTube channel

Until next time! xoxo - Sarah


Light Pink Pointer