Day 20 "Sprout"

I've been doing Inktober for about 23 days so far and it has been a great challenge. Some days I don't have time to draw anything and I have no choice but to work on 3 prompts in a single day. Dimitar, my lovely boyfriend, recommended that I draw my posts out in advance but honestly, I like the idea of drawing them on the day of; that way, I can really spend time focusing on each prompt and making each one special. You can read more about my 2021 Inktober post here.

Also, my 2021 Inktober post got a lot of hits! Since this blog is fairly new and still growing, I wasn't expecting much but after writing my 2021 Inktober post - the next day it received half the amount of views I would have got in a month - WHAT! It was awesome to witness and fortunately since that post, my views for this blog have been going up and I've hit my first milestone; obtain 1k visitors in a month. So thank you everyone for enjoying this little blog of mine. 

Anyways though - back to todays article. Inktober always pushes me to consider prompts I normally wouldn't draw and I love the thrill of the challenge itself. Some prompts can be so hard to draw from that I have to force myself to improvise and go with what comes to mind. So, I thought I'd share a few artworks of mine today and if I inspire you to try more art challenges yourself, then I've just hit another milestone! If you enjoy these posts, follow me on my Instagram account for more awesome art posts @sarahlucasart .

Day 6 "Spirit"

Day 8 "Watch"

Day 10 "Pick"

Day 12 "Stuck"

Day 14 "Tick"

Day 16 "Compass"

Day 18 "Moon"

Day 22 "Open"

Day 23 "Leak"

Until next time! xoxo - Sarah


Light Pink Pointer