November is here and do you know what that means? That's right; it's time to decorate the tree. Of course, as I've mentioned before in my previous post on why Holidays are important, I intend on having the Christmas tree up all year round; it's great décor honestly, like having a big artificial plant in your living-room.

    So one late night, Dimitar and I went to our local Walmart to see if their aisles were already stocked for Christmas. To our surprise, they were and Halloween was just around the corner. They had a whole warehouse completely dedicated to everything Christmas and it felt like I was in paradise. There were so many beautiful ornaments to look and choose from that our trip to only get garland, turned into a trip to get everything!

    Since it was late, we had the whole warehouse to ourselves which was nice since both Dimitar were both acting like little children in a candy shop; going from aisle to aisle and showing each other ornaments we wanted to get. It was so exciting but also overwhelming. I had a color theme that I wanted the tree to have, silver and white, yet there were so many interesting ornament colors to choose from. As you all know, I love colorful things, especially shining things, so I was really torn. 


Walmart Christmas department - so organized!

    Our shopping cart was full by the time we left and when we got home to put everything on the tree; we realized that we didn't have enough garland or lights...So we went back, then came back home, and began decorating the tree. It was fun, it was late, but it was worth it. 


 Silver & Gold themed tree with red accents

Sun reflecting off of tree <3

    With the tree now decorated, the living room felt completed. Every morning it's such a joy to see the tree greet us with it's colors as we set out to start our day. Towards the end of October, I ended up baking for a party; it wasn't going to be a keto-friendly desert since majority of the guests weren't into keto, but also because I didn't have ingredients to even make legit keto cookies (beef gelatin to be exact - bakers swear by it!). I made chocolate Reese cookies and while they were good, they were too sweet for me!

   Also, I'm not sure if I wrote about it, but I also bought some more furniture for the flat. We really needed to tidy up our space besides the TV in the Livingroom so we bought a small end table to lift everything that was previously on the floor, off of it. I personally wanted a Victorian piece, but I ended up liking the table we got instead; It's good for now.

The printer corner

Much better than it was before!

    We also bought a buffet table for the kitchen because we have little counter space to work with. I always struggle to bake in such a narrow kitchen as I mentioned in my baking in a small kitchen post, so buying extra counter space and storage was a must. We found this piece on Wayfair which was everything we needed. 


Dimitar adding the doors - I built 80% of this - so proud of myself

Looks so pretty with the wooden top finish!

    Also, on a walk around town I stumbled across a neighbor giving away a free book called Circe. I almost walked past it but then I turned back to read it's description and found it interesting so I took it home with me. I ended up reading in that afternoon and could not put it down! I've never delved into Greek Mythology but this book was so well written and fascinating that I spent a whole day reading it. It's packed with drama, love, and empowers women energy; so inspiring. Check it out!


Circe by Madeline Miller


Half-way through it

    Well, I'm going to end this post here with some photos I took around town. This time of year becomes really beautiful as the seasons change and I always have to stop and take as many pictures as possible. Thanks for reading!


Until next time! xoxo - Sarah 


Light Pink Pointer