'/> Cravings At Krispy Kreme | SARITA'S LIFE

Cravings At Krispy Kreme


    I was having a rough day the other day and it made no sense; on the good side, I've lost some weight all thanks to my semi-strict keto dieting, but on the down side, I felt very moody and tired. Nothing seemed to cheer me up either except the thought of sweets; go figure. That's when it hit me that I must be close to starting my period because every time I have these weird and unexplainable mood swings - bam - my period marches in.  So, while Dimitar and I were out buying a few things like; hay for the guinea pigs, bathroom cleaner, lighter for the candles, and other things that I can't remember - we decided to make a stop at Krispy Kreme.

                                                 *Not Sponsored*

       Now, I haven't had Krispy Kreme in so long; probably in over a decade or more. Dimitar also has never tried their doughnuts so even though I was on my keto diet, I couldn't be bothered with the way that I was feeling. As soon as we stepped in, I instantly remembered that Krispy Kreme made their doughnuts on the spot and the customers could watch. The smell of the shop was so amazing that all of my problems were literally left at the door. 

    As Dimitar and I watched the doughnuts roll on the conveyor belt and get coated with their iconic glaze, it occurred to me that Krispy Kreme has such an inviting experience to offer their customers. Everyone likes doughnuts, but not everyone gets to watch them be made! There are only a few doughnut shops in the area that stick out to me but when it comes to glazed doughnuts, Krispy Kreme always tops it. 


Doughnuts made on the spot!

    We ordered only glazed doughnuts; with one raspberry filled of course for my boyfriend. Since we were the only ones there, we chatted in their lobby at one of the booth tables. Being there reminded me of when I was little and my dad would take me to this exact location as a nice treat; it was so fun and of course, delicious. As time has progressed, it's really nice to still see Krispy Kreme still thriving and bringing it's vintage vibes along with it!


So many doughnuts!

  When we received our order, our doughnuts were right off the conveyor belt; still slightly warm and soft to the touch. How exciting! With everything I eat, I am always mindful now about my carb intake because my body doesn't do well with too many, but for this one, I was proud to let myself indulge.

My heart doughnut

    I devoured my two doughnuts in an instant; it was great and I have no idea how it happened either. Dimitar and I took some more photos since it was our first time going to Krispy Kreme in so long; at least for me it was. It was a very satisfying experience indeed, even if temporary; that's a ladies period for ya'.

Hot & Fresh indeed

    I didn't have plans to make this into a blog post because it's pretty random, but I thought it would be funny to write about the rough patches of a ladies' period and the cravings that consume us afterwards. Plus, I thought I'd share my night adventures with you all at the one and only, Krispy Kreme. Yum.


Until next time! xoxo - Sarah


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