I'm so ready to move onto a new year; 2021 was an emotional roller coaster for me that felt never ending. The challenges I endured constantly had me on the edge of my seat and there never really was a downtime to catch my breath. 2021 was stressful, but rewarding, frustrating, yet eye-opening. There were plenty of times where I felt like I was be tugged around by an unknown force and my own strength was being questioned.

    So yes. I am ready for 2022. First, I'd like to share some 2021 moments with you all. I honestly am not sure if I will have much to share, but we'll be figuring it out together I suppose. Let's get started. 


Moving out of my boyfriend's parent's house

Our first apartment empty

Our first apartment furnished w/ first Christmas tree

    Getting our own place was the best decision Dimitar and I made for 2021. For so long we had talked about it, but we constantly put it off for reasons beyond us. After seven years, we finally made the push and started looking for apartments around Christmas of 2020. We fell in love with an apartment that was way over our budget, but it had everything we wanted, so we had to go with it. In the beginning it came with it's challenges, which I wrote about here, but we pushed through it.


My first course

    The start of 2021 made me want new content from myself; especially for my YouTube channel. So, I made the decision to create a Mandala Drawing Course For Beginners since the majority of my audience there enjoy learning about them. The course took a week to create and really allowed me to see what I was capable of achieving when I put pressure on myself. Mandalas were the reason I started my YouTube channel, but they also helped me get back into Art. I wrote about my new course here


    I had been making art for almost six years that I was ready to try something new. After moving, I told myself that I would start vlogging more regularly and that's what I started to do. For majority of my life, I wished that I had more photos of myself when I was little but they were all either lost or none existent. I knew vlogging would make up for those missing pieces so I put a pause on making art videos, and committed to vlogging instead.


Collaborating with Sakura

    Speaking of changes, in 2021 I made the first move to reach out to some big companies for collaborations. It was really daunting since I had never put myself, or my channel, out there like that. Since I was getting more serious about my channel though, I knew I had to treat it like a business. So, I managed to reach out to three of my top favorite companies for a possible collaboration; one never responded back to me, the second said no, and the third agreed! From there, my collaboration offers only increased!


My blog: Sarita's Life

     In addition to Vlogging, I also wanted to start my own Blog; I love writing and always have. Upon moving into our first apartment, I made sure to create my own blog so that I could write about my personal experiences. Just like Vlogging, I wanted to document my life in a more intimate way and share it with the world. I wanted to claim a space for myself somewhere on the web and connect with like minded people. What a joy it has been!


    So much more happened this year but I think these events were definitely my top. As I mentioned earlier, this year really was an emotional roller coaster for me; I'm curious to know if it was that way for others too. Either way, I'm grateful for it all because the challenges made me stronger and helped me persevere. They also helped me focus on my visions and bring them to life. 2022, I choose you!

Until next time! xoxo - Sarah


Light Pink Pointer