I haven't written a Daily Life post in awhile so I thought I'd give it a go. How are you? Good vibes only, I hope. As for me, it has been tough, but I'm doing a lot better now. I had hit a wave of self-doubt and it really did a number on me. I normally can see my goals so clearly and I know exactly what I need to do to get to where I'm going, but in late November, this wave left me so exhausted and emotional.

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   Usually when I feel this way, I snuggle on the couch and I watch one of Secret Shaman Oracle's videos; I've been watching her videos for quite some time and each video leaves me empowered. Her video reminded me to let my emotions be released naturally and to be more spiritual, so that is what I've been up to. I've been meditating a bit more, praying more, spending time in nature, and just over all detaching from my usual routine. I even stopped making art for some just until I felt better.

    I've also started practicing the Law of Attraction again, which you can read more about from my most recent post. I've been listening to more Binaural beats to reset my frequency because I believe that everything is energy - including us - and our bodies are practically sponges. If we aren't careful enough, we can absorb some pretty nasty stuff!

    When I was finally felt ready to make art though, I decided to draw something Christmas related because it is December after all; I drew a North Pole House. I colored the illustration in with my Prismacolor Markers but I think next time I will use my color pencils instead for a more texture look. What do you think?

North Pole House Illustration by Sarah Lucas

    Dimitar and I have also been decorating our flat since there are still some spaces that need to be filled in. For starters, we bought a few paintings and even some faux plants. For the longest time we held off on buying any artwork because it was so hard to choose from majority of them, but, we finally decided to order some from Wayfair, and a few from one of my favorite artists, Leonid Afremov. Please check him out because his paintings are so beautiful! 

    It took several weeks for some of the paintings to arrive since we didn't order them at the same time. The first painting to arrive was from Wayfair and it was packed very well - a Styrofoam frame inside the box to keep the artwork stable during shipment, while the painting itself was wrapped in a thin bubble wrap. 

    When we unboxed the painting, the colors immediately popped out to us, and Dimitar and I both knew we had picked a great painting. Since we both love fall because we first met in October of 2013, we wanted to get a painting that symbolized our love and our love for nature. This painting was definitely the one for us.

Pretty heavy but well packed

Arrived in a Styrofoam frame

So pretty!

Finally hung up

    As for the plants, we ordered one to put at the end of our hallway and one in our office. It was hard deciding which kind of plant would look nice but we both settled on a Ficus tree and a Palm tree. They arrived at different times of course, but both looked amazing for their price! They are rather tall and wide; but it'll only help us utilize our space even more. Plus, it's always nice to have more plants around you; even if they are faux. The only thing we need now are some pots to put them in and our space will be much closer to being cozy and inviting. 

Faux Ficus Tree

Great detail work on leaves

Faux Palm Tree 

    Since the weather is much colder now, I have been spending a lot of time walking around town too; after all, I do love being cold. It's December now though, so many homes have already put their Christmas trees up and their Christmas decorations; it looks so lovely at night! During the daytime though, I managed to stop by a home that had this little guy on their front lawn and I nearly had a heart attack. 

A Corgi! I need this!

    Along my walks, I also found a blooming Lavender bush - which by the way smelled so wonderful. It's always a nice treat to find Lavender growing in town because I feel like it's not for everyone. I've heard many people say it's far too sweet for their senses, but not to me; it's so intoxicating. The fact that I have to even use that word, is crazy. Yes, I love Lavender that much.

Lavender - My Favorite 

    At home, the piggies have been doing well too. Both pigs have put on some weight and just lounge around - they're so lazy. Lately, Typsy has been sleeping on Gypsy and it's the funniest thing ever to watch. It's been hard to snap a photo of them without waking them up because I never know when they're actually asleep (they sleep with their eyes open). One day though I was able to sneak by them  and I managed to take a photo. They're the cutest!

My little babes! Please excuse the poo

    I have also been doing a lot of baking; I can only imagine what my gas bills is going to be... Either way, it's so fun to bake around the holidays. I have been playing Christmas music since November and it has been a ball. There is something about Christmas music that makes baking a success. I've made pizza from scratch, cheesecake, and even French toast - which honestly is so easy, that it shouldn't really count. This year I want to make sugar cookies and buy cookie cutters so Dimitar and I can decorate them. It's either that, or a gingerbread house; which one do you think would be better? Maybe both?

French Toast for breakfast

Homemade Pizza!

    I almost forget, but I'm also starting my own business! While I was having one of my emotional moments, I realized how badly I wanted a dog. Like, I really want a dog. You all know that if I were to get a dog, it would be a Corgi. The thing is, I can't have a dog where I live; I can have a cat and pigs, but no dog. 

    Dimitar came up with a brilliant idea of me starting my own Corgi pet care business. It sounded weird at first, just because of how tightly niched it was, but it made sense after thinking about it long enough. In less than a week, I had my own website up and running and I was advertising on Facebook and Instagram. I even ordered a set of business cards which will come before Christmas. 

    Dimitar even helped me break down the numbers of how to make the business work out financially and I put all the information together into a final product. I even bought an appointment book to help me figure out what my daily schedule could look like and it has really helped me bring this whole idea to life. I never thought about starting a Corgi pet care business, but now that I think about, it's perfect for me. So, if you live in Old Town Alexandria and you have a Corgi, feel free to visit my official website for more information. 

    Well, I hope you enjoyed this post and please look into the Law of Attraction; it's a game changer! Happy Holidays!

Until next time! xoxo - Sarah


Light Pink Pointer