Being an Introvert, I enjoy time to myself more than some. For as long as I can remember, my own company has always been my favorite. While being an Introvert is much more openly accepted and understood today than it was a decade ago, for quite some time I felt weird for my need and desire to be by myself. After all, I didn't know what being an Introvert was until I turned twenty! Since then, I have had time to grow into who I am really am and embrace my uniqueness. 

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    For those who don't know, Introverts are people who need plenty of time to themselves to be at their best. Definitions say that Introverts are shy, reserved, and quite, but I will be the first to disagree with all of this. Introverts are careful about who and what they give their time and energy to, especially when it comes to socializing. We dislike drama and gossiping and instead enjoy conversations that stimulate our intellect. This isn't to say that Introverts are rough around the edges and don't know how to have fun, because we do, we just prefer quality over quantity. 

    There's so much more to say about what it means to be an Introvert, but that's not what todays post is about. To shed light on how interesting an Introverts life can be despite our need for time alone, I want to share some fun activities I enjoy doing as an Introvert.


Playing Dead By Daylight - a love/hate relationship

    My favorite activity to do in my free time is playing video games. Since I was little, I have always had a soft spot for games like Donkey Kong, Mario, and even Resident Evil; all that allowed me to use my imagination and explore my creativity. I guess it was also because my Dad played video games too so it influenced me. My favorite videos games today are; The Sims, Assassins Creed Origins (Most of the Assassins' Creed games to be honest), Fallout 4, Red Dead Redemption, The Last of Us, Abzu, and most of the Resident Evil Games. Secretly, I would love to start my own gaming channel someday!


Reading the book "Circe"

    Who doesn't like to read? I've always enjoyed reading because it takes me to a world beyond my senses; sometimes reading is the break we all need! I took interest in reading when I found myself not so happy with my life at home. Books I enjoyed in Middle School were Twilight, A Series of Unfortunate Events, Harry Potter, and The Blue Girl to name a few. As I matured into a young adult though, I turned to self-help books like The Secret, Man Searching For Meaning, The Alchemist, Quiet, and the The Hot Zone.  


Camping in November

    Spending time outdoors is a must for everyone! Since I am a visual person, being able to immerse my senses into the world around me is very important; it helps me feel more connected to my own life too. Whether it's to just go for a quick walk or to go camping for a few days, being in nature helps me quiet my mind in a world full of noise and distractions. I am even more excited when I know I have great music on my phone to listen to that will help lift my spirits as I enjoy nature's gift.


Baked Chocolate Reese Cookies 

    I had little interest in baking growing up. That is, until I moved into my first apartment! When I know the fridge is well stocked and I have all of the standard ingredients to make pancakes, I'll look for any excuse to bake some goodies! My favorite snacks to bake are cookies, cakes, and even pizza. There's still so much to learn but it's such a comforting activity for me that makes me feel all nice and cozy inside no matter how many failed attempts there may be.


Colorful Lotus Flower drawn my me

        As some of you may know, I am a dedicated artist. I have always enjoyed art and since 2015, art has become a passion of mine. Just like being in nature, I find art to help quiet my mind when I'm tired of thinking; I also love the creative process too. In the beginning, I turned to art to help me get through troubling times and to this day, it's my number one therapy! I even started a YouTube channel to document my progress as an Artist and it was the best decision I've ever made. It's pretty typical for me to spend hours at my desk working on art related projects and it never gets boring.


Colosseum, Rome

    Traveling is my number one desire in life. I love being a tourist because it means learning more about a locations history, attractions, and culture. There is something beautiful about connecting with people from around the world and I dream to do more of it. Everything from packing for a trip, hopping on a plane, setting up itineraries and organizing trip planners; it all excites me. I think everyone should make traveling their top priority because there is so much more to see around the world, rather than our own backyard.

    And there you go! Introverts like myself are really no different than most people; we just have our own ways of going about life that fits our energy. 

Until next time! xoxo - Sarah


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