It's been awhile since I last went to a spa. I'm normally not the kind of person who craves physical stimulation to relax but Dimitar is the complete opposite. He needs physical touch to feel at ease and I need quality time instead. Since I don't enjoy giving massages either, we've both managed to stay relaxed together with massage tools and taking long hot baths. Occasionally we'll go get a massage together, but Dimitar can be quite picky when it comes to his masseuses.

* This post is not sponsored.

    Last week, Dimitar was complaining about his neck aching - he's a stomach sleeper after all - and so he later told me that he made reservations for us at a place called Spa World. I've only heard of it once through friends, but I had personally never been there before. After doing my own research, I realized it was a Korean Spa Center based in Centreville that offered a variety of different spa services. I was actually excited to try it out so Dimitar and I both waited for Sunday to roll along, which is when we typically have free time together.

    Sunday in general started off weird. For starters, it snowed! I had no idea it was going to snow either so it was a really nice surprise but it made the day very cold - perfect for the Spa! Since there was no set time for us to arrive at the Spa, we took our time getting there by running a few errands first. We also grabbed a quick bite to eat at an Italian restaurant. Since Dimitar wanted to watch the snow, we decided to eat in the car which was something we normally didn't do, but it was still nice. 

It's snowed again!

Enjoying a Cannoli

    From Alexandria, the Spa was roughly located half an hour away from us - which is pretty out there. Driving there really made the trip feel like we were truly getting away from everything. Also, It occurred to me on our way there that I had always wanted to go to a Korean spa - just like they do in Korean Drama TV shows like Because It's My First Life; Jung So-Min is my favorite Korean Actress!

    When we arrived, the building itself was huge and located around many oriental shops and restaurants; something I was excited about coming back to visit. Once inside, we checked in easily where we were  given spa uniforms to wear and directed to drop our shoes off into the lockers that were in the lobby. From there Dimitar and I made our way to the Women and Men locker rooms where we went our separate ways to change.

    Since the locker rooms are connected to the pools and showers, it's worth mentioning that nudity is expected; I was already informed of this policy so I wasn't shocked. To keep the pools clean, no swim suits are allowed and everyone is directed to shower prior to entering any of the pools; creating a clean environment that everyone can enjoy together. Since I didn't plan on going into the pool though, I simply changed into my uniform and made my way to the Poultice rooms where Dimitar was waiting. 

Locker Rooms

Poultice Rooms

    Once we were in the Lounge area, we saw that the seven different Poultice rooms were all positioned around the room itself. For those who don't know what Poultice rooms are - because I didn't at first - they're basically similar to saunas except each one has different temperatures and are made out of different materials to help target certain holistic health benefits. For example, the first Poultice room we went into was called the Amethyst Gem Room which was great for balancing the body from within and had an internal temperature of 150 degrees Fahrenheit. 

    It was hard at first to adjust to the heat since I enjoy being cooler than most, but after ten minutes of relaxing, it was easier to tolerate. The best part about being inside the Poultice rooms is how each one is decorated differently, which made me feel like I was immersed in a different world completely. 

The Amethyst Gem Room Benefits

    I should also say that while the lounging area is for cooling off and socializing, the Poultice rooms are quiet areas where talking within them is frowned upon. Also, for anyone who is not used to being in a sauna environment - like me - drinking plenty of water before and after each sauna visit is highly encouraged to avoid dizziness. The great thing about the lounge area is that there are water fountains on each side of the room which allows guests to drink from or to refill their own water bottles.

    Once inside a Poultice room, you can either sit down on the benches provided and let your body do it's thing, or you can lay down if there is space. I honestly preferred to lie down as it allowed me to fully relax my muscles. I found that spending fifteen minutes in each room was as much as I could tolerate before I had to leave to replenish myself. Since Dimitar loves the heat though, he would often stay in the rooms much longer than I would and he'd always come out drenched in sweat; it was quite amusing.

Taking a break

        Amongst the seven rooms, my favorite rooms were the Red Clay Ball Room and the Salt Room. Even though the Red Clay Ball Room was one of the loudest rooms to be in because of the little beads you have to lie on - it was the most comfortable. Unfornately, because of the noise from other people moving around on the beads, it was the room I spent the least amount of time in. The Salt Room though was the last room and the most detoxifying. I did my best to stay inside for as long as I could but Dimitar of course beat me by staying in a total of twenty minutes! Crazy crazy.

Inside the Amethyst Gem Room

Inside the Red Clay Ball Room

    To visit all seven rooms, it took a total of six hours; that is, if you take breaks in-between each sauna visit. By the end of the day both Dimitar and I were fully relaxed, yet not completely exhausted. We truly felt rejuvenated and we had never felt that way before after a spa visit. While there was a café and a restaurant near the lounge area to enjoy if you were hungry, we didn't have much of an appetite and instead decided to end our visit right after we washed up. 

    In case the Poultice rooms aren't enough to relax you, Spa World also offers massage services too. They even have a gym for those in need of something more rigorous which I thought was a nice addition. Overall, for my first time at a Korean Spa, I was very impressed. I loved how clean and organized the center was as it really helped me wind down from my everyday routine. Dimitar was also no longer in pain too and he couldn't stop raving about how great he felt.

    So, if you're in the Northern VA area and you need to get away from your busy or hectic lifestyle, I highly recommend taking a trip to Spa World. It's unique amenities cater to everyone in need of a little getaway and relaxation.

    For those who would like an immersive experience, I have documented my experience in my latest Vlog on my YouTube channel below!

Until next time! xoxo - Sarah


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