Well hello! Spring is almost here on the East Coast and it's a beautiful warm day today - except, that tomorrow it's going back to being cold! Boo... Lately I have been busy uploading videos for YouTube, writing blog posts, and relaxing in my free time; I haven't vlogged much either which led me to completely forgetting about to uploading a Daily Life post here - so I'm doing just that. 

    For starters, I have been dog sitting Bella, who you all have met before. I was worried she wouldn't remember me but she perked up when she saw me! I only watched her for a few days this time and it was nice spending time with her. Normally when I'm watching her, I spend time drawing on my tablet since she sleeps a lot - she's older after all.

    I was also suppose to do cat sitting again but the owner's plans fell through so I'm not sure when we'll be seeing another kitty here again.



     Dimitar had plans to surprise me with a couples retreat and it was the most romantic trip ever! It was only for a day of course but it was the best surprise trip that he has ever planned for us and it really started the month off beautifully. Even though we've been together for over eight years now, spending good quality time with each other really reminded us of why we loved each other - which is so important in all relationships!

A Romantic Trip

    I also made my first Soufflé pancake! It took two tries of course but it was well worth it. Would I make them over regular pancakes - maybe but maybe not; it's time consuming...I do have to say that making Soufflé pancakes is easy if you have patience but even if they don't come out fluffy, they make some tasty pancakes in general. Since there aren't many oriental cafes where I live, I figured making my own Soufflé pancakes would salsify my cravings and they sure did! 

Soufflé Pancakes

    Early in the month - or maybe last month, I'm not sure - Dimitar and I went to a Korean Spa for the first time ever. It was such a wonderful experience! I haven't been inside a Poultice room before, only a regular sauna, but I am a huge fan now! Dimitar especially loved it too since he was complaining about his body aching but he felt much better after our visit. It was nice even for me and I don't even like heat or sweating!


Korean Spa Trip

    During some down time, I have been trying to get in as much drawing as I can. Now that I am restarting my YouTube channel and I don't upload much art content - I have to make time to be creative. So I have been doodling on my tablet more and I managed to finish a few illustrations that I am so proud of. The first one is a character I was inspired by after watching the movie, Lion, and the second one is a character from When Marnie Was There. I love both and think they came out great!

"Marnie" From When Marnie Was There

Original Character

    I also have been wanting to upload some new content for YouTube by making videos I haven't made before like my video on Influencer Collaborations and one on my favorite K-Drama shows. It was fun making these videos and I really want to make more of them.  At the same time, I'm also learning how to properly edit videos like these ones because I have mostly uploaded vlogs and art videos in the past. It shouldn't take too long though and it's definitely worth learning. 

    Also, I seriously need to get a new camera...I actually had a dream the other night that Ryland - Shane Dawson's fiancé - gave me a new camera. It was so funny but sad at the same time when I woke up to it being just a dream...

Recording Influencer Collaboration 101


    Dimitar and I managed to go to the mall and do some good old fashion window shopping at Tysons Corner mall. It was weird though because there were a few stores that kicked me out for recording which was a bummer. The ones that did let me record though was a new car display store called Lucid - the new electric car on the block! It felt like Deja-vu all over again for Dimitar and I because  we can still remember the first time Tesla came out in the mall and both of us were so amazed by it! 

    There was also a cute store called De Niat Fleur that specialized in dried roses that look fabulous! I have always seen the fake roses shaped like bears or in the round boxes, but it was a first for the well preserved roses. You never have to water them and they age so perfectly! I will definitely keep this store in mind for future gifts because they do custom orders!

Lucid Store at Tysons Corner

De Niat Fleur

    And that completes this little Daily Life post. I hope you all enjoyed it with me and I will be working on a vlog soon to go with this post, so stay tuned! 

Until next time! xoxo - Sarah


Light Pink Pointer