Finding inspiration as an Artist isn't as easy as some Artist may lead you to believe. I know when I first dived into the arts back in 2015, I often found myself sitting in front of a white paper clueless of what to draw - it was so frustrating. Whether you're a beginner Artist or an experienced one, maintaining your inspiration will make your hobbies so much more enjoyable. The trick is the maintaining part. If you want to become a better Artist who has an endless amount of inspiration to dip into, keep reading. 
    First things first, what does it mean to be inspired? To be inspired by someone or something, means to be urged to do something creative, or to simply take action on a worth while endeavor. Have you ever watched an action movie and walked away feeling like you were part of the story? Or have you ever read a book like the Harry Potter collection and felt yourself drawn to the wizard world all of a sudden? To be inspired means that we are connecting to the world around us. When the connection is so deep, it pushes us to make a path of our own.

    While inspiration is the root of everyone's happiness, todays post focuses on how Artist can harness inspiration without going crazy. It's actually a lot easier than you think. 

Watch movies


    The best way to get your creative juices flowing is by watching movies. It can either be movies you've already watched, or movies that  have just come out. Go where your curiosity takes you. I'm sure there have been plenty of times where you have watched a movie that left you feeling on top of the world or ready to take it on. Movies like Harry Potter always inspire me to draw witches and wizards and they are a great example of the powerful effects movies have on us. 

Play video games


    Some of my best inspired pieces came from video games. One of my favorite video games is The Last of Us and this game inspired me so much that I naturally was drawn to drawing the main character, "Ellie." If you play video games, you can easily be inspired to be creative just by you love for the game itself. You could drawn one of the characters, an object part of the video game, or draw something completely different that was inspired by the game itself. I love seeing where my imagination takes me and it shouldn't take you too long before you see results yourself. 



    There are certain memories I have that have really influenced me to be an Artist. Memories like drawing on the walls of my room as a child while devouring Reese cups, or going through my punk phase as a teen and drawing all over my walls - again - or drawing all over my school agenda book with sharpies and having other kids ask me to decorate theirs too.  If you have certain memories that you find yourself thinking about often - or photos that you love - bringing them to life through your own creativity could help you connect with yourself on a much deeper level.  



    Traveling is perfect for getting fresh new ideas - that is if you have the time for it. Traveling awakens the explorer in all of us and helps us develop a better understanding of our own environment. As a Artist, studying ones environment is great practice and beneficial to all Artists. Whether you travel out of state, out of country, or just to your backyard, going somewhere new can give your imagination the time of it's life.


    The one thing that pushed me to start my YouTube channel is a mandala that I saw on Pinterest. I was so inspired by it that two things happened; I told myself I couldn't draw such a beautiful art piece, and two, I needed to start a YouTube channel. Looking back, as negative and random those thoughts were, I'm so grateful for them and it all happened because I saw an art piece that really inspired me. Pinterest is great for finding inspiration because lets face it - sometimes discovering others talents is all we need to get our creative juices flowing. Also, sometimes we don't know what we need in our lives until it's there in our faces. 



    Many Artists have a routine they go through that helps them get into their creative zone. For some that involves drinking tea or coffee while sitting in their favorite café, while for others, it's simply going for a walk first before diving into their art. Find a routine or make one even, that really gets you excited to be creative. If you're like me where doing the same thing over and over becomes boring, try changing your habits up to see if your inspiration improves. 

    And that's it! What are some ways that keep you inspired as an Artist? 

Until next time! xoxo - Sarah


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