Since the weather has been rainy and gloomy outside - with only a few occasional sunny days - I figured for this weeks vlog that it was a great time to just be..lazy. Which actually turned out really nice - even though I am doing a water fast and my energy is still not quite there - I kept my activities to a minimal and ended up really enjoying myself.

    I haven't yet informed my viewers about my fast because I am saving the best for last so I can make video on YouTube. While some days I felt like vlogging, most days I just didn't even want to move and it was emotionally hard. But, I knew fasting was going to test me like this and I wanted to persevere so I vlogged anyways which really helped occupy my mind. Since starting my fast over a week ago, this will officially be my first vlog!

    In the beginning of the week, the weather was absolutely beautiful. Clear skies, gentle wind, and people were out and about enjoying themselves. It was nice to be outside because I don't let myself move much now that I am fasting - it takes too much energy out of me! With Dimitar by my side though, he helped support me and we were able to enjoy the nice weather together. Old town in the Spring really feels like home!
    During the week though, we received a lot of rain and the temperature dropped drastically which left me feeling like a couch potato. Lately, these past few days, I have been spending as much time working on my novel and it feels great to finally make progress with it. When I am inspired, I normally spend a few hours writing and I'll take a break just to rest my eyes. 
    Since I love Korean Dramas, I haven't watched any new ones lately, so I decided to find a new one to watch and I picked, "Forecasting Love & Weather," which has me hooked! I'm only a few episodes in, but I am so excited to watch more. After this post, I'll most likely do just that! It really takes my mind off of my hungry tummy and helps me enjoy my time when I need it the most. 

Watch Forecasting Love & Weather

    I have also been neglecting my nails. I normally take the time to file them down and even out the cuticles, but lately I just haven't been up to it. Since I was feeling good though, I decided that it was a perfect time to pamper myself. I have a handful of nail polishes to choose from, and I always end up going with the same few colors that are my favorite.
    The one I picked was a nice pale blue color with faint glitter inside of it by Sally Hansen called "Hard Bitten." I love it's color and think it's perfect for Spring. Almost all of my nail polishes are great for Spring, but I think what would make my collection perfect would be having a pastel green, yellow, purple, and orange. I honestly love pastel colors and know that when I have my own office, it will literally feel like a kawaii dream!

Doing my nails

    Even with the weather gloomy outside though, some of the trees and flowers were already starting to bloom. Last year Dimitar and I went to see the Cherry Blossoms in D.C and it was such a beautiful day. We still aren't sure if we'll go this year, but we're hoping we can - March is a busy month for both of us so we'll just have to see what we can fit into our schedules.

Cherry Blossom Tree

    On one of our days off, Dimitar and I also did some window shopping. We normally like to walk around Old Town just to get some air but our favorite spot to explore is Ross. They always have unique finds and if you're fast enough, you can get them at a decent price. This time though, we went straight for the candle section since we were completely out of candles.
    Since I am extremely sensitive to scents - especially artificial scents - candles that work for me are so hard to find. Fortunately though, we have always gravitated towards WoodWick candles because of the quality of their candles, they burn for a long time, and the scents are just perfect and never give me a headache. 

    As we were in the candle section of Ross, Dimitar realized they in fact had WoodWick candles in stock, and not just one either, but several. We grabbed as many as we could and purchased them right away. We now have a nice collection of candles that should last us several months. Should...

WoodWick candles

    To top the week off off, Dimitar was in the mood for Chipotle rice which made my heart sank. Not only is fasting hard enough, but to be in charge of cooking and being around such amazing food, is painful. I know as my fast progresses, my cravings will go away, but for now, I can only appreciate food from a distance. I'm not going to lie though, it does give me pleasure cooking great food and seeing Dimitar enjoy it.

    For anyone who has never made Chipotle rice before, it's really easy. I cook the rice as usual and season it with salt, olive oil, and then some lemon juice; if you have lime, even better. While that cooks, I cut up a big tomato into small pieces and add it to a bowl. With it, I add in finely chopped red onions and a dash of lemon juice. 

    Moving onto our guacamole, I actually bought store made guacamole just because my local grocery store never has ripe ones. In another bowl, I add a good amount of guacamole, chop a jalapeno up into small pieces and discard the seeds (or you can keep them for spiciness). I really eyeball the entire process but you can follow a recipe if it's easier for you. Once the rice is done, add in drained black beans, corn and mix well. 

    From there, it's time to make your bowl. First, you add your rice mix, top it with tomatoes, then the guacamole next, and your choice of shredded cheese - I had Colby Jack, but you can use Mozzarella too. I also completely forgot that I had sour cream in the fridge so you can add that in too. For extra protein, you can even grill up some diced chicken and add it. Just like that, you have yourself a really tasty meal that is almost as close to Chipotle's bowls. Enjoy!

Easy Chipotle

    Well, I hope you enjoyed todays Daily Post and if you did, you can also watch the vlog I created down below from my YouTube channel. 

Until next time! xoxo - Sarah


Light Pink Pointer