Spring is one of my favorite seasons; apart from Fall of course. In Spring, the trees start to flourish, the flowers start to bloom, and it's always the perfect temperate for me outside because everyone knows that I hate sweating and being hot. Yuck. Since I've had the chance to try a few new things this month, I wanted to put together a small list of my current favorites because I haven't done one in a while; it's an unusual list though, so brace yourself. 

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    As you all know from a recent post, this month has been really hard for me and I've kept to myself a bit more. While my content is always focused on the brighter side of life, I never want to shy away from being real with my readers because I know life happens and I always want to be someone that someone else can relate to. I am doing better though and with my spirits being high today, I felt up to creating a new post. 

    I am not one for being materialistic but occasionally I do like to enjoy buying myself a few things here and there to spice up my routine. I honestly think that when it comes to making a favorites list, your list can have anything in it, which is why I was pretty excited to make this list since I realized I actually had many new favs to share with you all.

1. Morgan Miller Vitamin C Facial Oil & Rose Hip Facial Oil

    I recently ran out of face oil and vitamin c serum so I went down to my local Ross store to see if they had any new goodies. They had a pretty decent selection and the first oil I bought was Tea Tree oil. It smelled horrible though and I ended up trashing it just because it gave me a headache and made everything my face touched stink. Does Tea Tree oil normally smell so bad?!

    I returned the next day to Ross again and found two oils by a company called Morgan Miller; Vitamin C oil and Rose Hip oil. Both smelled amazing and are made in Korea. The Rose Hip oil is my new favorite oil because it also has lavender in it, which I absolutely love! My skin practically drinks these oils up and I find that a little goes a long way.

2. Neutrogena Clear Face 55 SPF Sun Screen

    Another great find for me is this Sun screen by Neutrogena and I also found this in Ross - they actually had several bottles there! I have been in need of a nice sunscreen that I can use under my makeup for such a long time. The sunscreens I have bought in the past all gave me horrible headaches or made me break out so I could never wear them. This sunscreen though not only has such a light scent to it but it's also extremely light in consistency so I can easily wear it under my makeup. After searching online, this sunscreen actually has many great reviews!

3. State of Decay 2: Juggernaut Edition

At base enlisting one of my members to follow me
    As you all know from my Favorite Video games post, I love video games. Recently, my boyfriend surprised me with this game and we have been hooked! State of Decay 2 is a survival post apocalyptic game that really challenges you. Yes, it is an intense game that is super realistic (apart from the zombies of course) but it's such a great feeling to see yours skills in the game improve. In the game you have to put together a community that you take care of while also facing dangerous situations that test everyone according to their skills and traits. If you love post apocalyptic games, I would highly recommend this one!

4. Hokko Life

Completing tasks for neighbors
    Another game I have come to really like is a game called Hokko Life. It's PC life simulator game that is quite similar to the well known Nintendo Switch Game, Animal Crossing. I found out about this game after realizing how badly I wanted to play Animal Crossing. Since I don't have a Switch though, I found Hokko Life and it's about 95% identical! The atmosphere is relaxing and cozy, the colors are vibrant, and while it does feel like you progress in the game very slowly - it's enjoyable. 

    Playing in Hokko Life means building a town together so that you have a thriving community where everyone helps each other. There are numerous ways to keep your character engaged and even though I am still in the beginning of the game, I very much enjoy this game!

5. Gemma's YouTube Channel

        I've been browsing YouTube more often these days and I came across a lovely channel owned by Gemma Louise Miles. She makes lifestyle content covering all kinds of interesting topics like healthy eating, traveling, makeup, cleaning, and hauls. It's always nice to find a new YouTube that I can follow and appreciate and I personally love Gemma's energy! If you have some time, definitely go check her channel out!

6. Keto Pecan Sandies by Ketoserts

    Since doing a 20 day water fast, I have taken much time to prepare for my keto diet. I compiled a list of keto recipes to try that would satisfy my cravings and I'm so happy with what I've found! The first keto recipe that I came across are these Pecan Sandies from a YouTube channel called Ketoserts. It's a channel completely dedicated to keto recipes and I love her content! Since I always loved Pecan Sandies growing up, I decided to make these and boy were they delicious! I finished them in one day! 

7. Keto Biscuits by The Big Mans World

        While I'm not a fan of making keto bread just because of how many eggs it takes to make a small loaf, these keto biscuits I've discovered however are so amazing! I've made them at least three times so far and each time I'm always impressed. Not only are they healthy but they're keto too and so delicious. Even if you weren't doing keto you would be hooked which says alot. I had Dimitar even try them and he couldn't believe they were keto. 

8. Alina Baraz - To Me (Song)

    I discovered Alina Baraz while listening to a playlist on YouTube. The playlists were randomly playing and when I heard this song play, I immediately loved it and couldn't stop listening to it! I've never heard of her before but I love her voice and her songs are so down to earth and relatable. If you haven't given her a listen to yet, definitely go check her music out!

9. Firehook Bakery in Old Town Alexandria, VA

    I've bought cake from this bakery before but this time, I actually had time to request a custom cake made fresh! Oh, it was amazing. Even though the cake wasn't keto friendly, it was such an amazing treat to be able to eat it. I bought it for Dimitar's birthday which was on 4/20 and since he loved it so much, I knew I had to make it a regular for us. I also have mentioned before that I love supporting local businesses and since their cakes are so good, I can only do my share by making sure they thrive because I don't want to go anywhere else!


    Well, I hope you enjoyed todays favorites list, and if you've tried any of the items mentioned in this post, let me know your thoughts on them! 

Until next time! xoxo - Sarah


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