I am doing it again - getting back into Keto before the summer hits! I'm only on my 2nd day of Keto and I have been doing great about eating fulfilling meals, but my sweet tooth is incredibly annoying. So, as usual when the cravings hit, I search the web for a keto-friendly dessert that is easy and accommodates me with all the ingredients I have on hand...which isn't much as always! 

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    After some time browsing around, I finally came across a fun recipe for a Keto vanilla mug cake. It requires both Almond and Coconut flour and of course a low-carb sweetener like Monk fruit sugar. The recipe was very simple and since it was my first time making a mug cake, I was really curious with how it would turn out. Ironically enough, I had just enough sugar for this recipe so it was definitely meant to be.

    Once the ingredients were mixed together, I poured it into a mug, smoothed down the surface and popped it in the microwave for 1 minute and 30 seconds. I ended up taking it out 10 seconds earlier though just to make sure it didn't over cook which was a good call. I was so surprised by how much the cake has risen and how fragrant it was!

    The cake was fairly hot at this point, so I decided to pop the cake out of the mug and put it into a new mug that was colder to help it cool down faster. I couldn't believe how dense the cake was! I had never made a mug cake before so the fact that I had a small cake ready in less than 2 minutes wowed me over. I had always heard people raving about mug cages and now I could see why!

I topped my cake with whipped cream

Very low-carb whipped cream from Lidl

    I didn't have any icing on hand so instead I used something even better...whipped cream. I had found some at Lidl that had very low carbs in it which was such a great find considering most whipped creams have sugar in it; not this one though! Once the cake had cooled down, I swirled a generous amount of whip cream on top of it and took it to my comfort area which was me sitting on the living room floor in front of my laptop while watching Toasty Games.

    Let me just start by saying for a Keto mug cake, this was everything I needed to satisfy my cravings! It wasn't overly sweet, it was soft with a great vanilla taste to it, and the richness from the almond and coconut flour made it so filling. Obviously the whipped cream was a bonus that completed this cake, but as I was eating it, I felt so happy that I had found an easy Keto dessert that I could make literally in minutes; how awesome.

Such great texture for a mug cake!

    While I only just started my Keto diet, having a simple and clean dessert that I can indulge in makes each day a bit better! This recipe is definitely a new favorite of mine and I can't wait to make variations of it. 

Until next time! - Sarah xoxo


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